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Eye Test

General Eye Tests

We Offer Bulk Billed Eye Test

iContact Optometrists provide bulk-billed eye tests for all Medicare patients. This refers to an eye exam that is covered by Medicare in Australia without any additional cost to the patient.

A routine eye exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your eye health and vision and usually takes 20–30 minutes. It is conducted by a qualified optometrist and involves several key components:


  • Medical History: The eye doctor will ask about your overall health, any symptoms you’ve been experiencing, and your family history of eye conditions.


  • Visual Acuity: This test measures how well you can see at various distances, usually with an eye chart. It helps determine if you need glasses or a change in your current prescription.


  • Refraction: The doctor uses refractive equipment to determine the exact prescription needed to correct your vision. Based on the results, optometrists and dispensers can recommend the most suitable lenses for you.


  • Eye Health Examination: The doctor examines the overall health of your eyes using various tools. This may include checking your intraocular pressure (the pressure inside your eyes, which can help in detecting glaucoma), as well as examining the front structures of your eyes (cornea, iris, and lens) and the internal structures (retina, optic nerve) to look for signs of conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration.


  • Pupil Dilation (if indicated): Often, optometrists will use eye drops to dilate your pupils so they can get a better view of the back of your eyes. This allows them to assess the retina and optic nerve for any abnormalities.


  • Binocular Vision Assessment (if indicated): This evaluates how well your eyes work together and whether you have issues like eye strain, headache, strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (lazy eye).


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